Inspired by Jesus

we rejoice in serving families who have chosen to adopt waiting children. Our highly relational, holistic grantmaking program is designed to help close gaps so that kids can begin healing in loving, permanent families.

  • Adoption Grants

    Grafted Families prioritizes financial support for families who are welcoming waiting children; details about our grantmaking priorities and principles are available below. Gifts typically range from $2,000-$8,000, but each family’s unique journey is considered holistically. Our grantmaking relationship always begins with a conversation, and we welcome you to reach out here to get started.

  • Education & Ongoing Support

    We are passionate about supporting families in the sacred work of nurturing children who have experienced profound trauma. It is our honor to provide parents with essential tools for the journey ahead, including world-class trauma-informed training opportunities, church-based support groups, carefully selected printed resources, and prayer support.


  • We prioritize gifts for families with demonstrated shortfalls in their adoption budgets who are pursuing children who tend to wait to be chosen by families. This vulnerable population includes kids who are older, have special needs, are racial minorities in the US, or are available for adoption as part of a sibling group.

    Homestudy-ready, matched families who align with these priorities are likely to be invited to apply.

    In a few cases, we have provided small grants for families preparing their homes to welcome children through foster care or Safe Families hosting. (Wheelchair-accessible ramps are a great example of this type of physical preparation need.)

  • We typically do not provide funds for contested adoptions and lawsuits, foster-to-adopt journeys, international adoptions from countries that are not party to the Hague Convention, adoptions facilitated by for-profit entities, or ongoing basic needs.

  • Our grants typically fall in the $2,000-$8,000 range with an average award just above $4,800. To date, we have had the privilege of helping more than 70 children come home, and we hope to be a part of roughly 40 homecomings this year.

  • We prioritize support for families who are welcoming children who tend to wait to be chosen, including those with special needs, older children, racial minorities, and sibling groups.

  • Application materials are held in strictest confidence and are reviewed with prayer and respect by our anonymous grantmaking panel.

  • After an initial conversation to determine fit, families who are invited to apply will be asked to provide a copy of their approved homestudy report, a copy of their most recent Federal tax form 1040, and a completed Grafted Families grant application. Applicants are also welcome to provide letters of recommendation and other supporting documents. Completed applications are reviewed four times each year, and funds are disbursed directly to placing agencies.

    We know that adoptive families face unending paperwork, so we do not require post-placement reports. However, we are committed to long-term support for your journey, and we treasure updates and opportunities to continue in prayer for your growing family.

  • We are eager to get to know your family and your unique needs, so we always start with a conversation. Please reach out here to initiate a conversation about applying for Grafted support.

  • Yes! If you are researching how your family might serve vulnerable children, we wholeheartedly recommend these resources:

We are eager to get to know you. Connect with us to learn more!